It’s Christmas Eve in the year 2010. My son turned 13 yesterday and I’m so happy that we made it to this point without him getting into any serious trouble. I feel so blessed that I have a son like him. He really is a good kid. I know that mothers brag all the time about their children, but he truly is a blessing. My brothers girlfriend and I decided that we would try to recreate our version of Willow Smith’s song “Whip My Hair.” Needless to say, I woke up this morning with a screaming headache and was brought to the sudden realization that I’m not a teenager but an adult who shouldn’t be doing that.
In other news…
I start school in a little over a week. I’m getting more excited as the days pass and then I came to the realization that not only will I be a coed again, but I will be doing it remotely. That is when I became extremely nervous. I will also not be strapping on a backpack and walking through a University campus, but will be pulling up a chair to my computer to attend classes on Tuesday evenings. Can you say nervous 3 times fast? I can and I’m still scared.
So, in this little time that I have left, I’m going to try and catch up on the many books that I have checked out so I can get more in tune with what is popular with teens because from what I’m hearing, grad school is no joke. Maybe I will have the chance to whip my hair again before I begin?