Friday, December 25, 2009

Oh the holidays...

First of all, let me start off by saying Merry Christmas. There, I think that I have it completely out of my system right now. I've started cooking my dinner, my house is starting to look like people live here and I have Law and Order: S.V.U. playing through my PC on Netflix. It doesn't get any better than this, I guess.

Anyway, on to the topic at hand. Christmas. So, I'm scrolling through the address book on my cell, sending out the usual holiday wishes. Don't you guys hate it when people respond back to your text with "Who is this?" I mean seriously, if someone has taken the time out to wish you a happy holiday, the least you could do is the same. I exchanged several texts with a person who seemed really angry even after I told her who I was. I finally responded with "Just say Merry Christmas back. If I have the wrong number, Sorry. Just have a blessed day." She responded back with Merry Christmas. Was that so hard to do? I'm beginning to wonder why I sent her a text in the first place.

Anyway, I hope that my son got everything that he wanted. Christmas has become so commercialized that it is really becoming a thorn in my side. I've begun to secretly wish that someone would out Santa so that the real reason for the season could be celebrated. We buy our son stuff throughout the year so why is it that this one particular day is supposed to make the gifts that much more special? I'm so happy that he understands now because I was actually able to sleep in this morning.

I hope that everyone truly does have a blessed day. Enjoy all the time you spend with your family and keep the memory alive of those we have lost. Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve (Hum Bug)

So, I find myself sitting at work on what should be one of our quietest days of the year. Instead, our computers are completely full. Why aren't people at home on Christmas Eve spending time with their families? And another question. Why are there so many children in here without their parents? Its Christmas Eve people. I just want this day to slowly end so that my son can open his one present and I can fall asleep without dreading this day for another year.