First off, let me say that I have a lot of hope for the year 2011. Last year went by really fast but it was a real drag to go through. There were lots of ups and downs, but I really hope that this year will be filled with only good things.
I resolved that this year I would give up my fascination with my weight. I love my body and what it looks like. I’ve decided that I will not resolve to lose any weight this year and that I will take the time to get to know my body first. I mean hey, I’ve been a thick chick for the majority of my life and I really don’t think that that will be changing any time soon.
I did change my hair style for the beginning of the year. It’s longer and blonder than ever. What do you think?

We took my son out with his friends for pizza at Tony Boombazz. It was a really good treat for all of us. Lately we have all been staying in the house and it just felt really good to get out for a while. I don’t like feeling like a hermit.
Which brings me to my second resolution, to get out more. I’m thirty years old and have yet to have a real vacation. Sure Joe and I went to Gatlinburg, but I don’t think that we enjoyed it much because we were worried about bills at home and our son. We are going to change that.
My last resolution is to rebuild my relationship with God. I’ve slowly gotten back in to reading the bible and have been attending bible study with some women that I’ve met through the library. I need to rejoin in fellowship with my church home and with the Lord. So Paul and I will be starting the year off right by attending church tomorrow morning.
Well, let’s start this year off right. Make it a good one.