Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Big Loser

For people who know me, I've almost always been a big girl. I prefer the word thick, but hey, you can't always get what you want. Anyway, I was looking at a Biggest Loser cookbook at work and thought, hey, I should apply for this since they are casting for season 11. So I go to the website and register for the site. While there, I printed out an application and read the rules. Some of the questions that were asked on the eleven page app were really personal. So my co-workers and I were discussing my uniqueness when we realized that there is an open casting call on Saturday. I have so many things running through my head now such as it must be meant to be. I mean, how often would I think about something like this and then have this show basically fall in my lap? I think I'm going to go. I mean, I should right? What could it hurt? I could stand to lose a few pounds.