Thursday, August 12, 2010


So, my sons football team had their first scrimmage Tuesday night. He is playing for his middle school this year instead of for the recreational league. Now, he is about 5'9" and he is only 12. I like to brag on him as I'm sure that other mothers brag on their children.

Anyway, it was about 95 degrees. I think I may have lost about 15 pounds just waiting for them to begin playing. My pants felt like they were glued to my legs. But I love football. I get this weird euphoria from hearing the crunching sound that the equipment makes when it crashes together. It makes the blood in my veins surge fourth through every vessel in my body. And my son loves it too.

He told me that his goal this year is to hit somebody so hard, their helmet comes off. I thought, that's a very vicious ambition but I've never played the sport so who am I to judge.
So, as I listened to the parental conversation around me, I learned that some adults need to keep needless conversation to themselves. I heard one parent exclaim that our team should be good because "we had Male and Manual High Schools recruits". And then one mom said that she was "going to remove her son from the team if they were going to get beat like that."

First of all, youth football is a sport that young men are happy to be a part of. It teaches them teamwork, discipline, and also manners. Young men, as well as parents, should not focus on how many games you win, but the hard work that you put into it.

Second, negativity that parents show towards their son's, in turn makes them have a negative attitude. Telling a child that you will pull him from a team simply because they are not winning will only teach him not to finish anything that he starts. The focus of football is teamwork and following through. If this mother does decide to pull her son from the team, she is allowing him to let his teammates down.

And third, its called youth football for a reason. Adult football is called the NFL. None of these young players have signed a contract, so we as parents should not vocalize our opinions. This game is for the kids.

It think I'm finished running my mouth. I'm looking forward to a great season. Good night.
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